Our policies are in line with
Sport Cheer England and the Governments opening guidelines.
- If you display any symptoms of Covid-19 do not attend any classes please stay at home and self isolate.
- There will be no waiting area for parents. Please drop your child off who will be signed in at the door and then parents/guardians will be asked to leave. When dropping and collecting your child please ensure that you are wearing a mask upon entering the facilities
- Any child aged 12+ must wear a mask at all times when they are in attendance of the facilities. In class it is not necessary to wear masks.
- Each child will have their temperature taken and must sanitize their hands upon arrival.
- When waiting for lessons each child should make sure they are following the social distancing measures by staying two metre apart or 1 metre when they are unable to stay 2 metres.
- Each child should make sure that they are washing their hands frequently between lessons to stop the spread of germs.
- When sneezing or coughing please ensure that we are using the catch it, bin it, kill it procedure. There are many bins located throughout the facilities.
- All staff will be wearing ppe. Please be aware of the regulations that are in place, at the moment we are unable to touch any child unless it is a medical emergency.
- Any academy member who puts others' health at risk by displaying physical contact will be asked to leave the lesson and you will not be refunded for this class.
- Between each lesson the facilities and equipment will be cleaned before the next bubble comes in contact with it to prevent the spread of any germs. Furthermore our dance studio and sports hall are both well ventilated during use.